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Field Testing, Analytical Services and Reviews on Outdoor Gear.

I specialize in field testing, analytical services and reviews on outdoor gear as a hobby and would love to help promote your outdoor business. Let's work together to gain the exposure you want and gain the product reputation you deserve. Through a combination of product testing and social media marketing, I can help promote your company. If you would like to work together, please feel free to contact me.


Meet Your Gear Tester

Who Is The Outdoor Gear Tester?

Hello, my name is Brittany Johnson. As an outdoor enthusiast, I felt inspired to start sharing my favorite recreational gear and the best way for me to do that was by testing it out and starting a review blog for my fellow outdoor lovers.

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Gear Testing and Review

Allow me to provide field testing, analytical services and reviews on your outdoor recreational gear. This service does not require exchange of money. You only need to provide and send an item of choice which I can keep and test. Your item will be featured on my website, my blog and my social media sites.


Social Media Marketing

Skip the gear testing and head straight to social media marketing. This service does not require exchange of money. You only need to provide and send an item of choice which I can keep and market. I will bring your item on my adventures and share photographs and videos of through my various social media sites.

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Branding and Promotion

Let's work together. Be featured on my website, blog and/or social media sites. This service does not require exchange of money. Feature me and I will gladly feature you. Simply send a nice promotional photograph to represent your company in addition to a short blurb about your company's mission.


Contact Me

To inquire about gear testing, social media marketing or branding and promotion, please call or email me.

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1 (805) 990 - 9963

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